Sunday, December 24, 2006

Decompression Time

Final Entry of the Ollie North, FNC & War Stories Trip to Iraq Dec 2007.

First and foremost a big thank you to each and every one of you that have taken the time to read my words and enjoy some of the background scenes to covering events in Iraq.

I have my opinion as to what is right and wrong in this world, and that is just the point it is my opinion and the purpose of my blog and journal is not to sprout forth my views on the world and the events I cover. But to take you behind the scenes and try to give you a sense of what happens away from Politicians and think tanks.

I have been out of Iraq for a few days now and I still wake in the darkness and think I am back there. Not the type of dreams that you see portrayed in Hollywood Movies of sitting bolt upright in a cold sweat.

But one of confusion and worry that something has happened, is going to happen or that we have missed a live shot in the middle of the night. Over in Iraq wherever you sleep or live there are no windows, if there was a window it has been sand bagged up, thus you never know whether it is day or night whilst you are inside over there.

To come home and have a window is strange and takes some getting used to again, I am one of those travelers on a plane that insists on having the window shades up at all times, still cannot get over people who insist on thinking traveling in a plane is the same as there private bedroom. The flight back from Frankfurt to Tel Aviv a few days took off at 10:30 am and arrived in Tel Aviv at 3:20 in the afternoon. Honestly you would not of believed the way people carried on as if it was the middle of the night and they were going to bed.

That’s just a quick insight into one of the things in this world that bug me, so if we ever travel together and you want to annoy me, pull the shades down.

Decompressing takes time from a trip like Iraq, you look back at tapes and realize that there were two shots fired at us from a sniper outside the Govt Centre not one as I originally remember. When I was under attack from the RPG’s you can see the flash of the explosion in the eyes of the Marine if you freeze the tape.

It feels different not to have to wear body armor anytime you go outside, not have to fill sandbags to eat, I can determine what I want to eat these are all positives to a degree. But what you miss the most at the end of any long trip is being around friend’s twenty-four seven especially in an intense close experience like Iraq.

We went and we came back, safe and alive. And in a war zone that is the most important thing.

What is next … well that depends? In the world of News, things happen and then I find myself again in another conflict zone.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Herzliyya Pituach

(The Unholyland News)


LoveAmerica said...


Recently found your blog and just wanted to say thank you! What a great insight into what really happens in a war zone. Glad you all got in and out without injury, in spite of your excitement!

Just one question...and please, forgive my lameness if this is obvious...why all the sandbags? I understand using them for security...but, really, how many do they need that they're still doing this after being there for years? Just curious. :)

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

What if we just flip the window shade up and down real fast .... like up down, up down, up down...for a minute or so every half hour...will that bug you, Mal? Sort of like a camera shutter? Well, you know Mal, there isn't much fun to do on those flights except irritate your...fellow travelers. I once had a male seat companion sitting next to me who was scared to death to fly. I was cochetish..sorry, can't spell co ket ish...just say I was being cute and trying to relieve his fears and actually got him to laughing during take off. Then I discovered his wife and children were sitting in the seats in front of us....I almost started a war on the plane, Mal, so you see there are worse things than messing around with the window shades. But we get your point. You are funny. The info about decompressing that you gave is good to know. Maybe we can all use it when getting back with those fresh out of war zones, to understand what they go through. You are helpful to us all and any tips we pick up from you we appreciate much. We look forward to reading your blogs, wherever you are and whatever you are filming. You are our eyes in the places we cannot go but wish we could. And no matter where we are we all have our private opinions of right and wrong, good and evil, how to react and act. Be sheep if we didn't...wouldn't we......and who wants to be a sheep. Thank you so much for all you do.
Sheep Fold (humm..coincidence :))

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mal. Your blog has brought back memories of what it means to be in various war zones and what one goes through initially when you leave and try your best to live like you once did before.

Peace my friend and be as careful as you can.