“So, happy farting!”
Thanks Wouter in a thousand or so words, you managed to explain that you need to avoid fruit after a meal, but eat fruit two hours before a meal on an empty stomach. And have no doubt that when I have the urge to fart I will be sure to do so.
Vilnius is a great city, you can dine entirely on potatoes and sour cream and as was the case with Greg today three plates half covered with sour cream was not enough, to the point that he ordered an extra bowl of sour cream to supplement the “festival of the spud”.
Kim Miller our Producer has had to endure a solid forty-eight hours of continuous “Beaver” jokes following dinner on the first night, but walking into the potato restaurant she noticed a rooster in the entrance and promptly turned to us and said, “Well at least I know what I am having for lunch”.
A classic moment today was walking around the old city; we entered the Cathedral Basilica in which twenty-foot statues are dwarfed by columns and paintings. Organ music filled the space and made you feel very humble walking around, turning a corner I noticed a woman bent over on a pew, naturally I assumed that she was deep in prayer seeking solace, continuing my walk around I glanced back and realized that instead of seeking penance she was in fact texting on her phone. As she left she threw herself down on the ground hoping that her savior would forgive her for texting instead of praying.
Maybe it was the Beaver, Mal. Have you tried Beano? At any rate something about that article you read smells fishy to us...stinks to hight heaven you could say. Seems that an apple at the wrong time of day....could keep more than the doctor away...It sounds like touring Lituania is just a heap of fun and that Palkot is easy to please....just be sure you keep your pockets full of those little packets of sour cream in your pockets and toss his one if he gets restless on you. Tell us, have you all gotten to do any goat herding yet? Have not booked Lithuania for our next vacation yet...but a few more blogs like your last two and it will definitely be crossed off our most favorites list. Can't wait to see more strange customs you can come up with and learn more of Mr. Palkots peculiarities. We always did wonder about him....is it the sour cream you think that keeps him so youthful...or does he wear make up? And could you explain to us the new title on your blog? Exactly WHAT gap are you minding.....and why? We are easily confussed and an explanion of say.... 500 words or less... would be helpful.
Your readers sitting around the camp fire eating pinto beans and corn bread,
Neatie & Annie
I LOVE IT!! I love the subways in London...so clean and orderly.....but yes, sadly there are still gaps!! Life seems a bit milder for you now. Do you miss being on the edge? I am heading to France in April (not something i want to do but i have a daughter studying there).........wish it were the middle east.........i sure do miss the humus and garinim!e.
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