Thus, last night I was running with my hash group the Thirsty Knights Hash House Harriers, commonly using slogans like runners with a drinking problem or drinkers with a running problem. Simply you run with friends then rehydrate with beer. Ok not the best training program but it adds a great alternative to speed intervals or long runs.
So as we ran back to the car park at the end of the run last night, there was a police car with its lights flashing next to my car. Now your immediate thoughts are of course , expletive my car has been broken into oh expletive.
However the car was untouched and the concern was that my car with its TV signs painted on the windows was in fact a suspected terrorist vehicle.

The background being last week Militants in Gaza had tried to kidnap another Israeli soldier down in Gaza by getting a SUV and painting TV on the windows they had approached an israeli checkpoint. There attempt was thwarted one was killed and three others fled back into Gaza.
This story was palyed heavily in the local press, and last night whilst my car had been parked and left unattended two boys had seen my car and being good concerned citizens called the police and reported a "suspected potential terrorist vehicle"
The policeman was cool about it all and drove off smiling, after we explained to him dripping in sweat " That hey no, thats just Mals car".
So a funny only in Israel way to end a run. You have to laugh.

The vehicles look so similar LOL
If you are still taking questions, have you ever thought about writing a book on your life in the war zone?
I was an imbedded photojounalist in Iraq and I never got as close to fighting as you have. I think a book of your stories would be one I would love to have in my collection.
Mal...I second what Kenneth said. AG
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