Look there are far better places in the world, Australia, USA, England, Hong Kong to name just a few. But they are easy places safe places where everything works and life for the majority of people is easy and there are few negatives.
For me to be my favorite country means that there must be a sense of adventure. You need to be challenged, frustrated and amazed.
In Pakistan I have filmed exorcisms in the middle of the desert at night, goat sacrifices in ancient ceremony grounds, flown on flights with gun packing guards protecting a person on the Most Wanted Terrorist list in the world, seen the effects of an earthquake on thousands of people that have left me emotionally shattered. Seen mountains and skies that leave you breathless in awe. Been frustrated with beaucracy that defies logic and have driven through the Khyber Pass.

Have been locked in my hotel whilst people riot in the streets and wondered street markets buying Osama Bin laden posters. Madrassahs were boys spend their days chanting the qaram in a sing song melody.

Have eaten great meals and signed pledges that I am an alcoholic and I need alcohol for medicanal reasons so the room service boy can bring up a picnic basket of awful beer. Been on stage with the biggest rock band in the Sub Indian Continent in front of 20,000 fans. Danced with locals in the mountains during ceremonies at night and skimmed stones over holy rivers.
These are just some of the things that to me make Pakistan one of the most exciting places to visit, nothing makes sense in a country where the majority have so little and the minority everything. You need a sense of humour to enjoy a country that offers so much for so little. Nothing is easy trust me in Pakistan, but then again if it was?
Would I like it so much?. I doubt it
Interesting.......I personally am fascinated by Africa...attempting to visit various countries there. With any luck I'll be in Kenya and South Africa next October, if I can get away from my day job...then maybe Senegal and Mali?? Ever been there?? e.
Years ago I found a story with lots of photos of you and Greg Palkot on a trip through the Khyber Pass. It was fastinating. You were there for a Christmas and Palkot looked like her had had a good bit of Christmas cheer. Do you have any of those photos? You seemed to have a camera or a fag in your hand every shot of you. Those photos are priceless! Yes everyday has got to be an adventure Mal. Life is to be lived not hidden in a closet. You do a great job and inspire us as well as inform us.
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