Hellfire Missile Attack on the Frontline
Producer Maryam Sepheri and I
Birthday in Afghanistan
Rainbow over Bagram Airbase
After four hours of travelling accross the Desert of Death
The full kit for covering War , In the backpack I carried Computers , bgan uplink, telephones, sound, four cameras, food and water
Waiting for war
The aftermath of crossing the Desert of Death
After the Hellfire Missile Attack , filming the ruins, a live grenade is a few feet from my "feet"
From the top of a 7 ton truck, shooting Charlie Co about to deploy for a mission
Breakfast , coffee in a bottle , whilst Dana holds up the most important thing Listermint Mouthwash
Correspondent Dana Lewis and I in the Desert , filming Charlie Co
Mal!! Those are absolutely fantastic photos and tell quite a story! Hey, we already knew you were the best cameraman going. Do you have to keep proving it over and over again? And Dana Lewis doesn't do a bad job either...does he? And it looks like you appreciate the work of your producer too. In all a great crew it looks like. Thanks Mal....and all the rest. You people are the best. And of course our Military guys are the greatest and have our undieing gratitude and respect.
That is a lot of sand and heat and hardship.
Happy Birthday, Mal!!!
Safe travels,
First of all Happy Birthday!! People with birthdays in May are always the most interesting, intelligent and talented people! Mine is May 12th. I watched your coverage on Fox and I have to say you are an incredible cameraman and a brave man all around. The work you do on the front lines, showing us the nearly impossible duties of our troops, is so important. We need to see exactly what is being done for us by these brave men.....and you do that so well! Keep up the great work Mal.....we will keep watching.
BTW...I think I know what it was that you bought in that store on the way to Afghanistan....what you didn't want your producer to know about.....party favors, hats and horns?
Yarnell, Arizona
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